Monday, September 24, 2012


Okay.... Now I don't want to sound like an overconfident jerk, but I'm not afraid of the silly things that most people are. Well... when I say not afraid, I just mean that I'm not terrified to a ridiculous extent. I don't have any silly phobias. Sure, I cry a little bit inside when that massive spider disappears under my bed, but after a second of worry, I realize that it's no big deal. I'll be afraid to go talk to a pretty girl, but I'm always to get some perspective and tell myself, "what the heck, who gives a darn" (pardon my french).

So, if I'm able to go bungee jumping if it so pleased me, why am I afraid of this one thing? This one thing that will remain unnamed is what I fear may hold me back for the rest of my life. It is the one thing that could set me free and unlock the gateway to all of my dreams. So why do I fear it? Because it is also the thing that could cause the destruction of all of my hopes and expectations. It's an all or nothing deal. You get one or the other, but never both. It involves risking everything, even though you have nothing to lose but your own personal pride. Anyway it's late so I'm off. See ya in the next post. That is, if you're even reading this. Oh and if you are reading this, you are incredible. Thanks mate.
Oh ya,
I'm afraid to try.


  1. Is that it? Is that what you're afraid of? Trying?


    Like Nike said, man...

  2. I stole the line about "So why do I fear it?" and the sentences before and after. And way to use Spanish. And French. And English, too, I guess.

  3. ""what the heck, who gives a darn" (pardon my french). " Laugh no out loud. I don't want you to know who i am now. Swiped (Stolen)
