you? Do you actually care about that sad puppy on facebook? I guess the fact that you hit 'like' means
that you do right...? Good job. You made a difference. I check my blog more than facebook these
days. I care about that. I'd rather hear a comment about something important I wrote than about how
your Sadie's date was. Do we care about politics or do we just care that people think that we care. If
you cared then maybe you would run for office because nothing else is working. Leave the politics to
the debate kids because that's enough pretend carers. Care care care care care care. I've now said that
word a lot and it has no meaning. But who cares anyway. If highschool cliques end after highschool,
then who cares how I act. But do they go away in the real world? I don't think so, but I hope so. I care
about you.
"I check my blog more than facebook these days."
ReplyDeleteI've been thinking about doing a prompt called these days....where you include the phrase these days over and over.
Then I read this line and I knew it was true.
I hate those dumb pictures on facebook where it says "1 like= 1 prayer" I never like them because it is so stupid to me. So what that you liked it. Does that mean you are actually going to do something about it or do you want people to think you care when you don't?